Enter the cheat commands into the Unreal command console !!! The console is activated by pressing the ";" key. ALLAMMO - 999 shoots for all your weapons FLY - You can fly GHOST - No Clipping (You can walk through walls) WALK - Noemal walk mode (default) GOD - God-Mode SUICIDE - Suicide PAUSE - Pause the game KILLPAWNS - Kill all bad guys. GRAB - ??? TAUNT - ??? FEIGNDEATH - As the name says : (keyboard "F") QUICKSAVE - Quick save the actual game QUICKLOAD - Quick load the actual game RESTARTLEVEL - Restart last saved game PLAYERSONLY - Switch off timecounter OPEN [UNR-file] - Loads a map, example "OPEN DIG" BEHINDVIEW 1 - Gameview Seems like Tomb Raider BEHINDVIEW 0 - Gameview normal (default) STAIRLOOK 1 - You are always looking straight on. STAIRLOOK 0 - Swiches off the above function. FLUSH - Flushes graphic errors SETNAME [MyName] - Changes your Name (max. 20 Chars) KICK [aClass] - Has no visual effect ??. Using like SUMMON und KILLALL KILLALL [aClass] - You can kill specific bad guys (pawns), example: KILLALL HORSEFLYSWAM - Kill fly swarm KILLALL DEVILFISH - Kill the big fish KILLALL SKAARJWARRIOR KILLALL SKAARJBERSERKER KILLALL NALI KILLALL LESSERBRUTE - The big slow ones KILLALL KRALL - The Stargate guys with the green shoot KILLALL SKAARJGUNNER - SKAARJs with the blue shield SUMMON [aClass] - You can get a weapon or item, examples (key): SUMMON EIGHTBALL - Rocketlauncher (5) SUMMON FLAKCANNON SUMMON NALI - The guy with 4 arm ... standing silly around and does nothing SUMMON DISPERSIONPISTOL - (1) SUMMON AUTOMAG - (2) SUMMON STINGER SUMMON ASMD - The electro cannon SUMMON RAZORJACK - a kind of ninja star launcher SUMMON GESBIORIFLE - green slick gun SUMMON RIFLE - precision gut with zoom (right mouse) SUMMON MINIGUN - (0) SUMMON WEAPONPOWERUP - powers up the dispersionpistol by 5 steps SUMMON FLAKBOX - Mun for Flakcannon SUMMON FLASHLIGHT - Small Flashlight, little batteries SUMMON SEARCHLIGHT - big Searchlight, good batteries SUMMON POWERSHIELD - as the name says SUMMON INVISIBILITY - you are a little bit invisible SUMMON SHIELDBELT - as the name says SUMMON JUMPBOOTS - you can jump very high SUMMON HORSEFLYSWAM - flys (very boring) SUMMON DEVILFISH - Devil fish, attacks you SUMMON SKAARJWARRIOR - Attacks you SUMMON SKAARJBERSERKER - Attacks you very fast SUMMON LESSERBRUTE - The big slow ones woth pistol SUMMON KRALL - The Stargate guys with the green shoot SUMMON SKAARJGUNNER - SKAARJs with the blue shield updated by DerBaer26@aol.com at 18.02.1999